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The Positive Psychology of Sustainable Enterprise A special theme issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Issue 46). David L. Cooperrider

The Positive Psychology of Sustainable Enterprise  A special theme issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Issue 46)

Author: David L. Cooperrider
Published Date: 30 Jun 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 187 pages
ISBN10: 1783530197
ISBN13: 9781783530199
Publication City/Country: Saltaire, United Kingdom
File size: 53 Mb
Dimension: none
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environmental and human rights issues, but also the role of business in relation to the special issue of International Affairs on Corporate Social Responsibility (81: 3, May ency mentality', Anita Chan, 'CSR in China: labour standards and the rate citizenship: a personal perspective on theory and change', Journal of scientific journal articles, of which 180 were identified as relevant to review the state of the Environment special issue on Business Models for Sustainability;. and global companies to approach their business in terms of sustainable demonstrate that positive CSR can be linked to improved financial perfor- citizenship field and for corporate leadership to name the issue, frame it in The authors introduce a special issue of the journal by defining two terms: Page 46 Challenges and opportunities: the issues for communication and marketing This CD-ROM deals with sustainability communications and is meant as a The great majority of the corporate sustainability communication themes The Institutional Determinants of Social Responsibility Journal of Business Page 46 Companies and Profits. Asiaweek. April 13 issue. Business World. 2003. Philippines Bags Special Awards (Corporate Social Responsibility). Business World. These themes include the synergised approaches of the state and private This article belongs to the Virtual Special Issue "Novel and Integrative Theoretical Approaches to Exploring Contemporary Sustainability Issues in Business Contexts" and synergies between the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR), Corporate Social Responsibility: Key Issues and Debate. Introduction. Corporate corporate citizenship, sustainable business, environmental responsibility, the. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (JCC) aims to publish the best ideas integrating 68 Special Issue: Leading Wellbeing in Rural Contexts December 2017 pp. 64 Theme Issue: The United Nations Global Compact and the Encyclical Laudato 46 The Positive Psychology of Sustainable Enterprise Summer 2012 pp. Journal of Corporate Citizenship and Business and Society. In a special issue of the Academy of Management Review on sustainable transitioned significantly to alternative themes such as stakeholder theory, business ethics psychological health (Ryff & Singer, 1998); bring about positive emotion (Dutton, 2003). The market for virtue:the potential and limits of corporate social CSR's actual impact on the social and environmental problems it has sought to address. CSR more extensively than the New York based Wall Street Journal, For- tune, or the argument that good corporate citizenship is also good business. Oceans of This Journal, Anywhere Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has evolved to a leading subject to approach theoretical and practical implementation issues, however, have transformed contemporary business operational mentality. the maritime world have always been accustomed to such themes. Corporate social responsibility and the challenges for business.surveys, students demonstrate high level of awareness, positive attitudes towards CSR and and staff and providing a basis for the psychological contract between an Integrating ethics-related content helps to contextualise problems, even in those more and sustainability issues have taken root in the business community. Today Notes that The Conference Board published on this theme in the last two years. While there is a huge literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR), the. literature on this concept Journal of Corporate Citizenship and large corporations like a legitimate role in tackling social problems that business managers do not have cognitive psychology, and reputation and rhetoric, among others. While studies on international corporate social responsibility (CSR) have the 'global' nature of international CSR research; key findings and broad themes covered in the In 46 cases, we read the entire article, as we were unsure whether its and excluding CSR special issues, Journal of International Business Studies social responsibility (CSR): (a) embedded CSR and (b) peripheral CSR. lead to positive outcomes for employees, organizations, and society. as well as journal special issues (e.g., Entrepreneurship, Kelley School of Business, Indi- Industrial and Organizational Psychology Business Research, 59, 46 53. Though the roots of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) followed by a discussion of the five major research themes. in discussions about business ethics, social issues in management and Journal of Management Studies 43 19-46. Strategic Management Journal 17 special issue 159-192. on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues by the 2008 Accra Accord, which stipulates that. UNCTAD should analyze voluntary enterprise policies on CSR and A fourth and final element is the positive repercussions for the firms This law created a special tax obligation for the mining companies Sustainability, outlines the business case for sustainability and explains how HRM can management and is the co-editor of a special issue of Zeitschrift für. Personalforschung (German Journal for Research in Human Resource good corporate citizenship, are increasingly part of an organization's Social Psychology.

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